马来西亚博特拉大学致力于发展研究生教学,向国际学生提供硕士以上学位课程。UPM(马来文:Universiti Putra Malaysia)有来自世界各地的50多个国家的留学生硕士研究生和博士研究生人数达1万人。
无论文专业(授课型)Programmes Without Thesis (Coursework)专业介绍:
1.种植管理硕士 (Master of Plantation Management)
2.土地资源管理硕士 (Master of Land Resource Management)
3.电脑科学硕士 (Master of Computer Science)
4.风景园林硕士 (Master of Landscape Architecture)
5.紧急应变及规划硕士(Master of Emergency Response and Planning)
6.工程管理硕士 (Master of Engineering Management)
7.环境工程硕士 (Master of Environmental Engineering)
8.环境技术管理硕士 (Master of Environmental Technology Management)
9.公路交通工程硕士 (Master of Highway and Transportation Engineering)
10.创新和工程设计硕士(Master of Innovation and Engineering Design)
11.机械制造系统工程硕士(Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering)
12.加工安全和损失预防硕士(Master of Process Safety and Loss Prevention)
13.遥感与地理信息系统硕士(Master of Remote Sensing and GIS)
14.主结构工程和构筑硕士(Master of Structural Engineering and Constructions)
15.水工程硕士(Master of Water Engineering)
16.水资源管理硕士(Master of Water Management)
17.环境学硕士(Master of Environment)
18.应用统计硕士(Master of Applied Statistics)
19.食品科技硕士(Master of Food Technology)
1.经济学硕士(Master of Economics)
2.教育硕士(课程与教学)Master of Education (Curriculum and Instruction)
3.教育硕士(教育管理)Master of Education (Educational Administration)
4.教育硕士(教育心理学)Master of Education (Educational Psychology)
5.教育硕士(教育技术)Master of Education (Educational Technology)
6.教育硕士(咨商与辅导)Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)
7.教育硕士(德育)Master of Education (Moral Education)
8.教育硕士(教育学)Master of Education (Pedagogy)
9.教育硕士(体育)Master of Education (Physical Education)
10.教育硕士(教育社会学)Master of Education (Sociology of Education)
11.教育硕士(体育学)Master of Education (Sport Science)
12.教育硕士(英语作为第二语言教学)Master of Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language)
13.教育硕士(职业技术教育)Master of Edu (Technical & Vocational Edu)
14.硕士人力资源开发(Master of Human Resource Development)
15.应用语言学硕士(Master of Applied Linguistics)
16.传媒学硕士(Master of Corporate Communication)
17.马来语硕士(Master of Malay Language)
18.马来文学硕士(Master of Malay Literature)
19.世界文学硕士(Master of World Literature)
1.病理学硕士 -(无学分费-入学申请应通过马来西亚卫生部)
Master of Pathology (without credit fee) - (Application for admission should be made through Malaysia Ministry of Health)
Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) - (without credit fee)
Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) - (without credit fee)
Master of Medicine (Psychiatry) - (without credit fee)
Master of Public Health - (without credit fee)